Darien Insights is a Consumer Insights Consultancy specializing in brand, audience, and product research & strategy

Areas of Expertise

    • CONSUMER PROFILES: What do your current & prospective customers look like when it comes to demographics, psychographics, motivations, and attitudes?

    • SEGMENTATION & PERSONAS: What segments of customers are most lucrative for your brand, and what does your marketing team need to know about them to find them?

    • CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAPPING: How does a typical consumer find out about a brand like yours, and what pain points are they experiencing in their journey?

    • BRAND TRACKING: How does awareness, consideration, and usage of your brand change over time and compared to your competitors?

    • VALUE PROPOSITIONS & MESSAGING: What messages best communicate your unique value propositions and what wording most effectively breaks through to your target?

    • CONCEPT, CREATIVE, & AD TESTING: How likely are potential ads to deliver your intended message and drive purchase?

    • PRODUCT SAMPLING & REFINEMENT: How do consumers react to your prototypes, and how well does it meet their needs?

    • PACKAGING DESIGN: How do consumers receive your packaging overall, and how well does it communicate your key value propositions?

    • CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE & NPS TRACKING: How do customers rate the experience they have with your brand, and what levers are most effective in improving their experience?

    • LOYALTY PROGRAMS: What can your brand offer to keep customers coming back?

Current & Previous Clients

Client Testimonials

  • Wyatt Taubman, CEO & Co-Founder at Vive Organic

    “Working with Cara has been an absolute pleasure! What we appreciate most about Cara is her ability to cover it all - strategic thinking to help guide our insights considerations and strategy, thoughtfulness and attention to detail in crafting each survey, her analysis and presentations which are in depth and accurate and her speed and general can-figure-out-anything attitude! Cara has been a great partner for us, and I would highly recommend Cara to any company and team.”

  • Emma Brooks, VP of Brand & Social at Skillshare

    “Cara is the Insights Consultant you need when you have a pressing question and need answers - fast. In those moments, I know I can turn to Cara -- not only to come back with an answer or research solution quickly but to do so in a way that's thoughtful and considerate of all options. She is flexible, yet thorough. I look forward to working with Cara on future research projects!”

  • Jessica Erskine Finn, Global Head of Consumer & Brand Communications for StubHub & viagogo

    “Cara is an absolute delight to work with. Her mastery of consumer insights research and the range of techniques made for an output of highly effective consumer research. What's particularly remarkable was how highly efficient and effective Cara could be with one of the most kind, patient and supportive dispositions. She was able to deliver insightful research that yielded highly strategic and creative plans to appeal to our consumer audiences. She is also particularly skilled at her ability to present and articulate insights from the research she'd conduct.”

Let’s Strategize

Reach out to me at cara@darieninsights.com or by filling out the following form. You’ll hear from me within 1 business day.